The school evaluation services that we offer are very different from either OFSTED inspection or school self-evaluation in three crucial respects. Firstly, the work undertaken is very much done with the full and active participation of the school’s leaders. Secondly, it includes a strong and vital element of independent external validation of judgements. Thirdly, we focus on providing a detailed analysis of the school context, alongside which subsequent professional judgements are set, by employing a robust research methodology that involves gathering, statistically analysing and interpreting data and other evidence followed by an accurate evaluation and critical reflection of the existing situation. We employ five data-driven and research-based evaluation techniques:
Stakeholder Perceptions
We conduct a comprehensive analysis of pupils’ and other stakeholders' perceptions of the school using a peer-reviewed questionnaire, triangulated with focus group interviews. Where possible we survey the opinions of ALL pupils, staff and parents. The responses are rigorously analysed to statistically identify school strengths and areas for improvement. Clients receive a detailed report of the findings and conclusions, together with recommendations on how the findings can support sustained and continuous improvement.
Student Performance Data
We will share our pupil tracking template and our methodology for tracking and analysing all aspects of pupil data. This approach gathers only the most important information into a single spreadsheet from the schools information management system. This data includes: pupils' characteristics, achievement and progress, attendance and behaviour and specific learning needs If necessary we can modify this template to meet individual school needs. Once the tracking tool is established we can undertake a detailed analysis of the for the school and implement an approach to using pupil progress meetings with key staff to identify specific targeted support and interventions to improve progress.
Observing the Provision
We provide a detailed data collection and recording tool in the form of an App to gather observations of all aspects of the school’s provision, including: detailed classroom observations; work scrutiny; leadership walks and other observations of pupils in social and extra curricular time. We collect all of the information for you remotely into a single spreadsheet and then analyse the data prior to compiling the findings into a detailed report.
Curriculum and Staff Deployment
We undertake a rigorous analysis of your curriculum and deployment of staff using our comprehensive spreadsheet management tool. Once completed this spreadsheet will effectively summarise the data for leaders and governors, including critical curriculum ratios. This is a year round process and we therefore train key staff on how to maintain the spreadsheet so that it is always up-to-date. Schools are encouraged to work on a shadow version of the spreadsheet for the next academic year since the same tool also acts as a complete timetable planning instrument that will ensure effective management of the curriculum and efficient deployment of staff. This is a critical document that informs the annual budget setting process.
Auditing Leadership Effectiveness
In addition to the four key elements of Phase 1 of the School Transformation Framework, we can compile evidence to assess leadership effectiveness through separate audits of critical aspects of the work of the school. In addition to the above, this includes: an audit of safeguarding arrangements; a review of school policies; an analysis of the school budget and arrangements for financial monitoring; etc. Spreadsheet-based tools developed over many years are used to assist with the conduct of these audits.
Constructing a School Story
The data and other evidence gathered whilst undertaking any of these evaluation activities is rigorously analysed and interpreted using a range of multivariate statistical techniques and other research-based methods. In each case a School Story report will synthesise all of the triangulated evidence into a single summarising document that will conclude with key findings and specific recommendations for further school improvement.